선생님 이미지

Kang HanHim Teacher

[English] Korean for Starters 2
[영어로 배우는] 한국어 왕초보 2탄

"Korean for Starters 2" is for the learners
who want to talk with Korean friends.

총 30,000원

Target Students

1. Learners who want to study Korean from a native Korean teacher.
2. Learners who want to express their thoughts in Korean.
3. Learners who want to learn the native pronunciation.
4. Learners who are interested in Korean and Korean culture.
Characteristics of the Course

1. Learners can answer the basic questions.
2. Learners can create a variety of sentences by connecting words.
3. Learners can pronounce Korean precisely.
4. Learners can naturally achieve Korean grammar by studying new words and patterns.

Course Organization

NumbeCourse NameStudy Content
Lesson 1 This is my dad. Let's learn '~이에요’, ‘~예요 to introduce the family.
Lesson 2 This is my dad. Let's learn the possessive marker '의' to introduce the family.
Lesson 3 Let's study. Let's learn '~을/를 합니다' to say what the family is doing.
Lesson 4 Review Lesson Let's review lesson from 1~3.
Lesson 5 I'm studying. Let's learn '~을/를 해요' to descirbe what you are doing.
Lesson 6 I don’t study. Let's learn '~을/를 안 해요' to descirbe what you are not doing or usually don't.
Lesson 7 I study at home. Let's learn '~에서' to descirbe what you do in a certain location.
Lesson 8 Review Lesson Let's review lesson from 5~7.
Lesson 9 I studied. Let's learn '~을/를 했어요' to say what you did in the past.
Lesson 10 I didn't study. Let's learn '을/를 안 했어요' to say what you did not do in the past.
Lesson 11 I will study. Let's learn '~을/를 할 거예요' to say what you will do in the future.
Lesson 12 I will not study. Let's learn '~을/를 안 할 거예요' to say what you will not do in the future.
Lesson 13 I exercise today. Let's learn present time adverbs to describe what happens in the present and the future.
Lesson 14 I exercised yesterday. Let's learn past time adverbs to describe what happened in the past.
Lesson 15 I will exercise tomorrow. Let's learn future time adverbs to describe what will happen in the future.
Lesson 16 Review Lesson Review lesson from 9~15.
Lesson 17 Sino Korean Number System Let's learn the Sino Korean number system.
Lesson 18 How much is the bag? Let's learn ~은/는 얼마예요? to ask how much things cost.
Lesson 19 Give me the bag please. Let's learn ~주세요 to say what you want to purchase.
Lesson 20 Review Lesson Review lesson from 17~19.
Lesson 21 What time is it? Let's learn how to say the time in details.
Lesson 22 What date is it today? Let's learn how to say month and day.
Lesson 23 What time do you study? Let's learn '몇 시에' to say what kind of activities you do at certain time.
Lesson 24 I study from 1 o'clock. Let's learn '~부터' to say when you start the activity.
Lesson 25 I study until 6 o'clock. Let's learn '~까지' to say when you finish the activity.
Lesson 26 Review Lesson Review lesson from 21~24.

Most interesting Korean lecture Kang HanHim 선생님

선생님 이미지

Real Korean class taught by native speaker
Online class which opens up your Korean just by listen and follow
Korean class as entertaining as watching a movie

Education Career

  • ∙ Graduated from North Carolina State University - a biology major
  • ∙ 15-year residence in the United States
  • ∙ Siwonschool_ Korean for the Starters Teacher
  • ∙ Gwa-Top English Trainer
  • ∙ Bulgaria embassy translator
  • ∙ Opia Language Institute English Instructor
  • ∙ Lancon/Avalon English instructor



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